For me, the “process” is what is
important. First off, I sketch,
photograph, and write in my life
experiences journal. It is from these
images (words & pictures) that I will
draw on for ideas and concepts.
In many cases I will bring together
several, seemingly unrelated
images to form a single composition.
Which brings us to the second big
step in the process, designing the
composition. And it is just that,
design…careful placement of the
visual elements of the piece. From there, through a combination of the initial imagery/concept, the media, and the subconscious, the piece will take on a life all its own. The artist then is just along for the ride and the finish. The final step, for the artist, is to know when the piece is finished, and when to stop. Someone once said, “You take something, do something to it, then do something else until you have something.”
For me the creative process and drawing are as natural to me as breathing, eating, and sleeping. It is something I must do…I have to do. The act of drawing, in particular, as the right brain kicks in, one will inter a state of nirvana…a state of oblivion to external reality. So, when I have been asked for an “Artists Statement”, I simply give:
I am me and only me…
There can be no other me…
I and only I lived this experience…
This is my journey…
Of which I am a part…
To make my Nirvana Art.
I am witness to what I saw…
That is what…
That is why…
I draw.
Image and form, time and space…
That is what…
That is why…
I paint.
Ron Sebring